Wednesday, May 9, 2007

eat the best breakfast sandwich ever.

Since time began there has been debate over this. What makes a great breakfast sandwich? Is it the bread? Is it the bacon? Or should you use sausage as well? What about eggs? Well sit down, preferably with a notepad and pen, becasue here it comes, the real reason for getting out of bed in the morning.

You will need.

  • 3 rashers of ASDA smokeless bacon (the sort that comes in the £5 deal) - this is the only part of the recipe that can be changed, you may (although it is not recommended) substitute the bacon for smoked bacon.
  • One large egg
  • Two slices of processed cheese
  • Two slices of Hovis best of both bread
  • Tomato sauce
You will also need a George Foreman grill for this one.

  1. preheat the George Foreman for FIVE MINUTES
  2. Add bacon and begin to time FOUR MINUTES
  3. After one minute, break egg into frying pan and stir it for ten seconds until the yolk is fully immersed in the white
  4. Whilst waiting for two minutes, read newspaper
  5. Flip egg
  6. Wait one more minute, isn't the weather nice/horrible today?
  7. Take bread.
  8. Add Bacon in following order - one piece facing north, one facing south, one facing north
  9. Add Tomato sauce - this is important else the sauce will spill everywhere
  10. Add Cheese, overlapping slightly in the middle
  11. Add fried egg.
  12. Cut diagonally. This will ensure that the taste is evenly spread.
  13. Eat.
  14. Mumble about how good that was and marvel that your hangover seems to be fading.
  15. Go for a walk - need to burn off that fat you just inhaled.
So there you have it. It's tasty, its fulfilling, its the best sandwich ever.


morphean ramble said...

you went wrong on step three

never mix the yolk in.


Lucy Ann Wade said...

No, you have to mix the yolk in!

morphean ramble said...

you're also wrong