Sunday, May 6, 2007

My God what is going on? Am I that unemployable? Or have I just missed the boat?

I don't like boats. I get seasick when I'm inside. If I'm on the deck I'm fine but otherwise it takes a lot to keep the contents of my stomach where it belongs.

I think that in general the type of job that I really want (something in the tourist industry-preferably also entertainment based) was snatched up around January time by 16 year old tarts with 'degrees' in Travel and Tourism that they only acheived by sleeping with teacher. See, another reason why I want to work with them! Its just not fair.

So I may have to get a proper job, my Canadian money (such as it was) is running out faster than when MC Hammer asked 'what shall I spend my money on?' in a room surrounded by expensive whores and drug addicts. The exchange scheme doesn't help either, $600+ turns itself into a meagre £250. Oh its all well and good going on holiday, but try returning to the country you love and your up that brown coloured creek without a paddle.

So still no job, still hideously bored (although I do have something of an evil plan to banish that) and still... well... happy. I know I shouldn't be, but when I look at it I've got precious little to be unhappy about, so I suppose I shouldn't be unhappy without something to make me unhappy. Surely that's reason enough to be happy.

Oh my. If you followed that last statement then well done. In my topsy turvy world I promise it makes sense.

Engines ready people, its about to get exciting in here.


1 comment:

Sabrina Mei-Li Smith said...

if youre bored then come and visit us in leicester. i offer sofa!