Saturday, March 17, 2007

stop celebrating for no reason

The people who live next door to me had a little shin dig tonight to celebrate st. patricks day. Now that is fine enough. It's not for me to put people who are having a good time down, or to stop people partyingHowever when I walked past the door this pissed little tart with a green hat on and some green tinsel wrapped around her waist leans against the frame and asks;

'Are you coming to join the party?'
'No thank you,' I politely reply.
'Oh. Oh ok, you lot hate us paddys don't you?'

I do not hate the Irish. I do not really hate anyone (with a few exceptions) What I do hate is little Canadian/Austrailian/British/American retards like this little cow - she was Canadian - pretending that they are Irish as an excuse to get drunk. I do not need an excuse to have a good night out, and this lot running around like fuckwits just makes them look like walking advertisments for Guinness. I could have continued this conversation but it would have gone something like this...

- That's strange little girl, you sound Canadian.

'Oh but I have a Great-Grandma that was part Irish on her cousin's side.'

- Well whoop-de-fucking do. Have a hat. But are you Irish?

'I'm part Irish.'

- But are you Irish? If you were ever selected for a Olympic team, which one would it be?


- So you're not Irish. So why are you celebrating St. Patricks day? What makes you want to go out and get absolutely drunk to celebrate a country that you have no real connection to?

'It's a party. Besides there's this cousin on my Grandma's side.'

At which point I would have thrown a rather large turnip at her and chase her until she or I expired from exhaustion or turnip concussion (and that last one would have better odds for her).

Do't get me wrong. I love the Irish. But I don't see why we should celebrate a day of someone we don't really know about (did you know he was Scottish) for no real reason other than you desperately need some way to make that alcohol abuse you so hate yourself for indulging in a little bit more respectable.

Sorry, I needed to get that orf my chest.

Tits to you all.



morphean ramble said...

'cause like the murphy's, he's not bitter

Lucy Ann Wade said...

This post made me laugh so much! Think you should have thrown turnips at her!